LSC’s professionals share your passion for bringing the newest technologies and innovative solutions to the forefront.

By combining our resources, we advance science and research to the marketplace, ultimately improving the lives of generations to come.

Life Science Consulting (LSC) is committed to helping both new and established biotech and diagnostic companies navigate the challenging product development process – from research to market.

At the intersection of science and business, we utilize our experience and expertise to provide a customized strategy that will translate your innovation to success, accelerating your product’s path to market.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, we are thankful that we are able to support our clients with rapidly pivoting R&D plans and processesto address the resultant global challenges in developing, testing, and distributing new diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines.




Your success is our success. By listening to your needs we provide a fresh perspective and objectivity that will help you move forward while laying a strong foundation for growth.

The support, strategy, and solutions LSC delivers will increase productivity and strengthen morale with long lasting benefits for your organization.


Through a personalized approach LSC provides a wide range of services, including FDA Design Control processes, design transfer, R&D troubleshooting, long-term planning, training, and efficiency building across a variety of platforms to help you navigate challenges and attain certainty of growth.


The biggest roadblock to success is a breakdown in communication. LSC serves as a conduit between science, engineering and business, ensuring optimal collaboration.

As your trusted partner,  we advocate, communicate and connect these unique perspectives to identify the best pathway forward, translating innovation to success and ultimately achieving our shared goals.